Marc Glimcher

Marc Glimcher

Marc Glimcher

Marc Glimcher

Marc Glimcher

CEO of Pace Gallery

CEO of Pace Gallery

About this Talk

About this Talk

Marc Glimcher is the CEO of Pace Gallery, the leading global art gallery known for representing the estates of legends like Picasso, Calder, Rothko, and De Kooning while also driving innovation at the intersection of art and technology, embracing immersive experiences, NFTs, AI, and even sending art to the moon in the case of the artist Jeff Koons. In 2021, Pace launched the dedicated NFT platform Pace Verso; in 2023, the gallery entered a partnership with Erick Calderon’s Art Blocks. Glimcher was also the co-founder of Superblue, an enterprise focused on experiential and immersive art.