Conversations with the trailblazers building the future at the intersection of art and technology.

Conversations with the trailblazers building the future at the intersection of art and technology.

Conversations with the trailblazers building the future at the intersection of art and technology.

Artwrld hosts live talks every week with leading artists, technologists, art professionals, and entrepreneurs about the opportunities and challenges at the vanguard of creativity. Sign up to join the community.

Artwrld hosts live talks every week with leading artists, technologists, art professionals, and entrepreneurs about the opportunities and challenges at the vanguard of creativity. Sign up to join the community.

  • Marc Glimcher

    President & CEO of Pace Gallery

  • Anika Yi

    Conceptual Artist

  • Refik Anadol

    New Media Artist & AI Pioneer

  • Auriea Harvey

    Digital Artist & Video Game Visionary

  • Hans Ulrich Obrist

    Artistic Director of the Serpentine


  • Monika Bielskyte

    Founder of Protopia Futures

  • Jennifer & Kevin McCoy

    Artists Behind the First NFT

  • Cathy Hackyl

    Co-CEO of Spatial Dynamics

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Ben Davis is the author of 9.5 Theses on Art and Class (Haymarket, 2013), which ARTnews named one of the best art books of the decade in 2019, and Art in the After-Culture (Haymarket, 2022), which was named an art book of the year by the New York Times and the Times Literary Supplement. He has been Artnet News's National Art Critic since 2016. His writings have also been featured in The New York Times, New York Magazine, Slate, Salvage, e-Flux Journal, Frieze, and many other venues. In 2019, Nieman Journalism Lab reported that he was one the fifth most influential art critics in the United States.

Artwrld editor-at-large Andrew Goldstein will be hosting a live conversation with Bennett on Thursday, March 27, at 12:00 PM EST.

Ben Davis

1 hr

Mar 27, 2025

Ben Davis is the author of 9.5 Theses on Art and Class (Haymarket, 2013), which ARTnews named one of the best art books of the decade in 2019, and Art in the After-Culture (Haymarket, 2022), which was named an art book of the year by the New York Times and the Times Literary Supplement. He has been Artnet News's National Art Critic since 2016. His writings have also been featured in The New York Times, New York Magazine, Slate, Salvage, e-Flux Journal, Frieze, and many other venues. In 2019, Nieman Journalism Lab reported that he was one the fifth most influential art critics in the United States.

Artwrld editor-at-large Andrew Goldstein will be hosting a live conversation with Bennett on Thursday, March 27, at 12:00 PM EST.

Ben Davis

1 hr

Mar 27, 2025

Ben Davis is the author of 9.5 Theses on Art and Class (Haymarket, 2013), which ARTnews named one of the best art books of the decade in 2019, and Art in the After-Culture (Haymarket, 2022), which was named an art book of the year by the New York Times and the Times Literary Supplement. He has been Artnet News's National Art Critic since 2016. His writings have also been featured in The New York Times, New York Magazine, Slate, Salvage, e-Flux Journal, Frieze, and many other venues. In 2019, Nieman Journalism Lab reported that he was one the fifth most influential art critics in the United States.

Artwrld editor-at-large Andrew Goldstein will be hosting a live conversation with Bennett on Thursday, March 27, at 12:00 PM EST.

Ben Davis

1 hr

Mar 27, 2025

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